Voltalia , an international player in renewable energies,announces it has reached physical completion of a transmission line of 2GW for its Serra Branca cluster of wind projects located in North-East Brazil, multiplying by six thecluster’s power evacuation capacity. Fast track development and construction of the new line will allow Voltalia’s VSM1&2 wind farms (291MW in total) to begin operations ahead of Voltalia’s initial forecasts.
“With its twotransmission lines, Serra Branca has now a 2.4GW potential. Voltalia is building one of the largest clustersof windfarmsworldwide, located in one of the windiest spots on the planet”,declares Sébastien Clerc, CEO of Voltalia.
2GW transmission line reaching completionVoltalia’s new transmission facility in the Serra Branca cluster has reached physical completion. It will be connected tothe grid shortly. The new line is capable of servicing wind farms with a total capacity of 2GW. The line is one of the Continent’s largest construction projectsin term of capacity. 52-kilometer long and sustained by 112 towers, the line is designed for a very high voltage of 500kV.
Voltalia began developing the line in 2016,progressivelysecuring rightsof way over 63pieces of land with 57different owners, building permits, interconnection rights and other authorizations. The process has been swift and smooth thanks toVoltalia’scapacity to team up with local population, who have benefitedfrom on-site employment and social projects implemented by Voltalia in the region over the past five years.Construction works startedearly2019, withVoltalia partneringwith Seta Engenharia S.A fortheline andWEGfor the substation. The short development-and-construction period is anotherillustration of Voltalia’s capabilities to implement large, complexand ambitious projects.