The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold an open house June 9, to discuss the agency’s annual review of safety performance of the Perry nuclear power plant. The single-unit plant is operated by FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co., and is located in Perry, Ohio, about 35 miles northeast of Cleveland.
The public will be able to talk with NRC representatives about the plant’s 2015 performance and the agency’s safety oversight activities. The open house, which will include informational posters, is scheduled for 5-7 p.m. at the Perry Public Library, 3753 Main St., in Perry.
“NRC inspectors who work at the plant and NRC staff from our regional office in Lisle, Ill., are looking forward to speaking with members of the public about Perry’s performance and other topics related to nuclear safety that are of interest to the community,” said NRC Region III Administrator Cynthia D. Pederson. “We hold such meetings near the plant every year to maintain an open dialogue with the public about how we ensure the plant’s safe operation.”
The NRC concluded that, overall, Perry operated safely in 2015. All performance indicators and inspection findings for the plant were green. As a result, the plant will continue to receive the NRC’s normal level of oversight during 2016.
The NRC uses color-coded inspection findings and performance indicators to assess nuclear plant performance. The colors start with green and then increase to white, yellow, or red, commensurate with the safety significance of the issues involved. Performance indicators are statistical measurements of plant and equipment performance.
Inspections are performed by two NRC resident inspectors assigned to the plant, inspection specialists from the Region III Office, and specialists from the agency’s headquarters in Rockville, Md. Among the areas of performance to be inspected this year are activities associated with radiological safety, emergency preparedness and the plant‘s ability to identify and resolve problems.