EGP looks to India, thanks to its expertise in wind and PV, as well as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam and Australia what with its knowhow in hydro, geothermal and biomass. Its success combines the study of local contexts, human resources and skills, the possibility to invest as well as longterm vision
“The Asia-Pacific region is particularly promising, it offers opportunities in all renewable technologies, with its abundant resources and high development potential“. This is how Enel Green Power’s CEO Francesco Venturini commented the agreement with the Japanese Marubeni corporation, aimed at cooperation in evaluating potential business opportunities in the renewable sector in a huge area that is pursuing new energy and has abundant zero-emission ‘raw materials’.
EGP’s increasing global horizon has been illustrated in the 2015-2019 business plan, that sets the target of adding 1.5 GW of new installed capacity each year. Asia and the Pacific account for a large portion of the world in which the company still does not have a presence, despite being a major global player in the renewable energy sector. But this development in the East is not only justified by market reasons requiring that sector operators should assess potentials at every latitude. Asia and the Pacific are complex and young markets for green energy and EGP – which has always been a pioneer – foresees a presence there based on reasons of actual competitiveness and sustainability also in countries within this region.
From India to Australia, horizons for development in this region are broad and varied. EGP has rolled up its sleeves and sharpened its gaze in order to identify areas in which local conditions best suit the company’s strategy and model. Thus, its future in this macro-continent appears to be based on the development of a presence that looks to India to capitalise its expertise in wind and solar PV, as well as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam and Australia to make the most of its knowhow in hydro, geothermal and biomass.
EGP’s model is a mix of rapidity and accuracy. Its present fast-paced growth in Latin America originates from a path that began with measured and quick steps based on the presence that Enel started up in this continent at the beginning of the last decade. Thus, following Costa Rica and Guatemala, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Uruguay have gradually been added, with new technologies and additional MWs. And the same model is being applied in Africa, where from South Africa, activities are developing in Egypt, Morocco and Kenya. For Asia and the Pacific EGP’s successful model is no different: a study of the peculiarities of the various contexts, human resources and knowhowat international level, the possibility to invest and a longterm vision.