Power China 2020?a magnet for leaing players in electric industry, is held in August 16-18th,2020,Guangzhou,China. Power China 2019 has witnessed a great success with its 30,000+ trade visitors and 286 exhibitors. 2020, it is expected to expand 350 exhibitors on a 20.000 s. Many companies who have exhibited at Power China have successfully expanded their network of business contacts and entered new markets, including Schneider Electric (France), Sendon (Canada), Deevan (Taiwan, China), Powerld, Ruiba, Kulkee Power, Dongwen, Datong Electronics, Super Eagle Tech, BoltPower, Hongba, Huaxin, and so on.
To register click: http://www.bspexpo.com/index.php?lang=en
China Import & Export Fair Complex , Guangzhou, China