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September, 2022   I Volume 9  I Power Gen Advancement Sector Focused e-Newsletter
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Latest News
EU To Act To Reduce Liquidity Stresses In Energy Markets
EU To Act To Reduce Liquidity Stresses In Energy Markets

Commission will talk to regulators about easing collateral crunch, and the EU has also proposed levying a tax on the revenues of oil and electricity companies.

To help find stranded assets fossil fuel registry launched
To Help Find Stranded Assets, Fossil Fuel Registry Launched
German Group Worries EC Windfall Tax Will Hurt Bioenergy
German Group Worries EC Windfall Tax Will Hurt Bioenergy
UK Government To Remove The Limits For Onshore Wind Planning
UK Government To Remove The Limits For Onshore Wind Planning

Following the government's decision to remove limits on energy supply, large onshore wind projects are expected to resume in England.

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Mr. Michael Jones
E: michael@powergenadvancement.com
W: www.powergenadvancement.com

Middle East Updates
Saudi Arabia Commissioned Five New Renewable Energy Projects
Saudi Arabia Commissioned Five New Renewable Energy Projects

Three wind energy and two solar energy new projects have been commissioned by Saudi Arabia as part of its Vision 2030 economic plan, which places a significant focus on the renewable energy.

Largest waste to energy plant in the world
Largest Waste-To-Energy Plant In The World Is 85% Complete

Facility managed by Municipality of Dubai will annually treat 1.9 million tonnes of waste in order to generate enough electricity to provide 135,000 households.

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